57 research outputs found

    Using cluster analysis to segment tourists: response-style effects

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    Different people have different response styles, some favour high scores whereas others low scorers and some people avoid using extreme scores, especially in attitudinal research questions. This is called response style effect. The goal of segmentation is to group people into homogenous clusters that differ from each other significantly. According to a literature review of earlier segmentation studies, there is a possibility that response style effects can influence segmentation results. In this study, empirical data is used to examine how response style effects affect cluster formation in a single country context using k-means cluster analysis. Results show that especially when using cluster analysis, response style effects should be closely examined as the results can be drastically different.Different people have different response styles, some favour high scores whereas others low scorers and some people avoid using extreme scores, especially in attitudinal research questions. This is called response style effect. The goal of segmentation is to group people into homogenous clusters that differ from each other significantly. According to a literature review of earlier segmentation studies, there is a possibility that response style effects can influence segmentation results. In this study, empirical data is used to examine how response style effects affect cluster formation in a single country context using k-means cluster analysis. Results show that especially when using cluster analysis, response style effects should be closely examined as the results can be drastically different

    The New Normal: Tourism Research Directions in Finland and Beyond

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    Tekoäly tutkimuksen työkaluna

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    In this editorial we describe the advantages of AI use in research, such as help with quick processing of big research data, managing and analysing data, develop modelling methods and future scenarios. AI can support researchers’ work in many ways, but it should be used with caution. One of the most critical aspects in using AI is the importance of interpretation of the results that it offers. There are still questions about personal data and security risks in using AI. Perspectives on the use of AI in research vary significantly. While Italy has banned the use of ChatGPT, the University of Calgary offers courses on the use of ChatGPT in academic publishing and grant writing. AI is here to stay, so we have to learn our ways to understand and use it appropriately

    Minne suuntaat, Matkailututkimus?

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    Paneelikeskustelu: Kotimaisten tiedelehtien vaikuttavuus. Miten Matkailututkimus vaikuttaa?

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    Vuosittain järjestettävillä Tiedejulkaisemisen päivillä keskustellaan monipuolisesti tiedejulkaisemiseen liittyvistä aiheista. Tänä vuonna lokakuun alussa vietetyillä päivillä keskusteltiin paneelissa muun muassa kotimaisten tiedelehtien vaikuttavuudesta. Matkailututkimus oli yksi mukana olleista kotimaisista tiedelehdistä. Keskustelu toi esiin monipuolisesti syitä sille miksi kotimaisia tiedelehtiä on olemassa, ja mikä niiden vaikutus on

    Tekoäly tutkimuksen työkaluna

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    In this editorial we describe the advantages of AI use in research, such as help with quick processing of big research data, managing and analysing data, develop modelling methods and future scenarios. AI can support researchers’ work in many ways, but it should be used with caution. One of the most critical aspects in using AI is the importance of interpretation of the results that it offers. There are still questions about personal data and security risks in using AI. Perspectives on the use of AI in research vary significantly. While Italy has banned the use of ChatGPT, the University of Calgary offers courses on the use of ChatGPT in academic publishing and grant writing. AI is here to stay, so we have to learn our ways to understand and use it appropriately.In this editorial we describe the advantages of AI use in research, such as help with quick processing of big research data, managing and analysing data, develop modelling methods and future scenarios. AI can support researchers’ work in many ways, but it should be used with caution. One of the most critical aspects in using AI is the importance of interpretation of the results that it offers. There are still questions about personal data and security risks in using AI. Perspectives on the use of AI in research vary significantly. While Italy has banned the use of ChatGPT, the University of Calgary offers courses on the use of ChatGPT in academic publishing and grant writing. AI is here to stay, so we have to learn our ways to understand and use it appropriately